The School Advisory Council has voted to institute a voluntary school uniform policy to promote a community feeling within the school. The uniform consists of red, white or navy blue school logo embroidered golf shirts and khaki pants, shorts, skirts, jumpers or skorts.
Citrus Park Elementary has selected Lands’ End as one of your recommended uniform suppliers. You may pick up a Lands’ End catalog in the school office or visit the Lands’ End website. Citrus Park Elementary will receive 3% of the net sales from Lands’ End School catalogs. This donation will be used for an educational project of the school’s choice.
In order for your purchase to count towards the contribution program, be sure to mention or include the preferred SCHOOL Number and LOGO Number when placing your order.
SCHOOL # - 9000-6103-7
LOGO # - 0072902K
Refer to the letter and your catalog for order information, prices and approved dress code items for Citrus Park Elementary.
Phone 1.800.469.2222 Fax 1.800.332.0103