Citrus Park Elementary School first opened in 1911 and it was named after the area in which it is located. That original school house still stands and is known as the "little red school house", the oldest school in Hillsborough County. Our school started as a one-room school house serving grades 1 through 8. Making the move to accommodate growing population, a partition was added in 1924 to upgrade the facility to two classrooms.
In 1926-1927, the school was moved to a corner of the property and used as a community center while a new building was constructed. 1946 saw the Little Red School House converted into the Citrus Park Elementary's first lunchroom.
Today, the original Little Red School House still stands on school grounds and is a familiar landmark in the rapidly growing community of Citrus Park. It's a fond site for long-time residents who enjoy pointing it out to newcomers.